All Sangha members should read notes below pertaining to 3rd & 4th weeks. Those who may be asked to serve as ino in leading chants or brief service, should be familiar with what is called for and be ready to step in on weeks 3 & 4 if asked.
1st Week (hybrid - click here for zoom link)
Repentence Verse
Zazen (30)
Kinhin (7)
Zazen (30 mins)
4 Vows
2nd Week
Repentence Verse
Zazen (35)
Kinhin (7)
Shared Reading w/comments
4 Vows
3rd Week
Repentence Verse
Zazen (30)
Kinhin (7)
Zazen (30)
4th Week
Repentence Verse (3x)
Zazen (25)
Kinhin (7)
Zazen (25)
Brief Service**
5th Week -- Feb (Nirvana), May, Aug (O-Bon), Oct
Default is to repeat 1st week or, if teacher/ senior is present and prepared …
Zazen (30)
Full service or Formal teaching (Dharma talk, recorded talk)
* Chanting (Week 3)
After zazen, all stand, bow to seat/sangha, sit facing sangha for chanting.
Chant single sutra w/ brief dedication (see Third Week Chanting drop-down in Members' section) & Universal dedication leading to 3 full bows, ending 2 standing bows (altar/in gassho & sangha/in shashu)
Rotate through chants in full Soto/MEZ service that are not included in our monthly brief service:
- Universal Gateway Chapter of the Lotus Sutra
- Sandokai
- Hokyozanmai
- Daihishin Dharani (requires ino and doan)
- Life Span Chapter of the Lotus Sutra
** Brief Service (Week 4)
Service- includes current dedication w/ BB&WW, ending with 3 full bows & 2 standing bows (gassho to altar, shashu to sangha).
- Three Refuges
- Heart Sutra
- Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo
- Jizo Sama Mantra
- Disaster Preventing Dharani
Prep weeks 3 & 4- Before evening begins, host & ino/doan make sure instruments and notebook w/ dedication in place for chanting
(Rev. 01-28-24)