Well wishes

Person/BeingNotesAdded ByDate Added
All affected by climate-related disasters KeienOn-going
Hank Maciejewskibrother Da-Shih's partnerShih-In Ma 
Mary H Keien 
Sister Irene Nellesclose friend and guide - chemoMaxine11/15/22
Dawneigh Deckerfriend going thru difficult timeMaxine1/25/23

Six Rings Sangha Service

⦿      ⦿       ⦿     ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿⦿⦿/

(3 opening bells with run-down on inkin)

Three Refuges
▲ I take refuge in Buddha
▲ May all beings ⦿
embody the great way,
resolving to awaken

I take refuge in Dharma
▲ May all beings ⦿
deeply enter the sutras,
wisdom like an ocean

I take refuge in Sangha
▲ May all ▲ beings ⦿
support harmony in the community ⦿
free from all hindrance.

● ● (all sit)

3rd Week Chant Dedication

We dedicate the merits of this recitation of ______________ for all those who are suffering, for those who have died in great travail and for those who we hold by name in our \ hearts / and minds (pause). We further offer the merit generated by our recitation to all great teachers of truth throughout the world and to those who bring us wisdom and guidance on the path, to our ancestors who have brought us life and to all those yet unborn.