Visiting ~ What to Expect

The core of our weekly gatherings is silent seated (zazen) and walking (kinhin) meditation with brief opening and closing chants. Throughout the month, there is also the opportunity for shared reading and discussion of a Zen Buddhist nature, talks offered by a teacher, and a service.

As Zen is a wholehearted body/mind practice, there is purpose and meaning in our gestures and the forms of our practice.  Most of our practice is quiet; we learn much by sitting and developing awareness, as well as by observing others and doing. Although some elements of our practice appear ā€œreligiousā€, such as chanting, bowing, and the presence of an altar with the statue of Buddha, the nature of Buddhism is not to adopt a set of beliefs.  It is rather to meet what is offered and try it on for ourselves, receiving our own direct experience.  

Questions or relevant points of clarification regarding our Zen practice are welcome and may best be addressed briefly at the end of each evening. Opportunities for more extended discussion at times other than our Thursday evening meetings are possible through individual meetings with the teacher.  Please see the Resources (currently under construction -add link) section for further information and instructions for Soto Zen Forms: Zazen, Kinhin, Bowing, and Chanting.

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